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“Fighting Violence against Women and Girls”

There has been a sharp increase in the reported cases of violence against women and girls in society in modern society. Globally, thousands of women experience some form of violence each day. The violent cases result in a significant impact on women, as most of them suffer physical and psychological torture. Based on the developments, there has been an increased emphasis on embracing effective approaches to curb the rising cases of violence. As a result of the changes, many governmental and non-governmental organizations have developed effective approaches to fighting rising violence cases.  With this understanding, the analysis will develop an understanding of different mechanisms that can help in fighting the rising cases of violence against girls and women at large.

Based on recent statistics, it has been established that 35 percent of women are bound to experience some form of violence in the course of their daily lives. Globally, little emphasis is placed on developing effective approaches that can help in the fight against violence. The violence against girls and women knows no boundaries. However, based on recent research, it has been established that women from marginalized communities and developing countries are prone to severe violence cases. The violence tends to violate the rights of women and girls in the community.

Therefore, increased emphasis has been placed on the need to fight against the rising cases of violence. Some of the recent developments have focused on developing effective approaches that can reduce the causes of violence. Increasing the regulations in place will play a crucial role in reducing violence cases.

Other strategies suggested in the fight against violence as highlighted in the Spotlight Initiative Report 2017 include introducing new mechanisms, such as sensitization campaigns, to reduce violence cases. It will be easier to sensitize the women and girls on how to avoid violence cases through the campaigns. The campaigns will also help ensure the perpetrators of the violence are sensitized to the issues and ramifications of their actions. It will be easier to reduce the reported cases of violence against women and girls through the strategies.

In fighting against violence, there is a need to introduce strict punishments and penalties for violent perpetrators. The penalties will help in reducing the reported cases of violence. Based on the insights provided by the Spotlight Initiative, there has been an increase in the call to reduce the reported cases of violence against women. The public should also participate in the fight by reporting cases of violence. Therefore, unity among the masses will play a crucial role in accelerating the fight against violence experienced by women and girls in society.