Press release



The Spotlight Initiative 2017

New York City, New York, November 10, 2017- Join the United Nations Foundation in celebrating the Women’s day and launching the Spotlight Initiative on November 15, 2017.

The United Nation has been on the frontline to elevate attention to the most persistent yet under recognized form of violence: Violence against girls and women. The Spotlight Initiative Summit 2017 is a global affair with a number of promising agencies and key stake holders set to attend. The Summit aims to give an overview and an understanding of gender based violence and generate ideas and opinions of how this monster can be controlled.

Gender Based Violence today is a global problem and affects a quarter of the women’s population. Gender Based Violence can have long and short term effects on the woman’s health, dignity and reputation. The most prevalent form of violence is Intimate violence that is caused by Intimate partners and has the highest percentage of deaths linked to it. Sexual violence and harsh practices such as Female Genital Mutilation and Trafficking are also major points of concern and have undermined all the efforts to attain gender equality globally.

According to the United Nations foundation findings violence against girls and women is majorly caused by gender inequality practices in many countries. Discrimination and harmful traditional norms are very rampant in many countries which lead to creation of power differential levels based on gender such that women and girls become subjected to the male gender. These practices hold back the United Nation’s goal of having a discriminatory free environment and it is therefore necessary to converge and shed light on how to prevent violence in our societies.

The United Nations has been combating violence against women for a long time as a solo actor by providing extra help for survivors of violence and creating innovative programs that are used by violence survivors to re-establish themselves. These activities have had little or no impact on the increasing rate of gender based violence and it is therefore important to seek other alternatives before it is too late. According to the United Nations statistics on violence against girls and women, creation of awareness is a major problem as many of gender based violence are marital issues and thus no one takes the responsibility to report the issue to the relevant authority. The Spotlight initiative will thrive only if the society is educated about gender based violence and how to take responsibility in case any person is spotted committing the act. The Vice President of the Girls and Women Foundation in the United Nations is impressed with this initiative because of the structural changes and policies that will be discovered in the summit and looks forward to meet other people interested in the pursuit of justice for gender based violence.

Founded in 1945, The United Nations is an international organization whose main aim is to maintain peace in the world. Based in New York City, our mission is to develop fair strategies and policies that will be reflected upon in case a peace disturbing issue arises. For more information visit


John Knight, Media Relations

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